Friday 1 November 2013

Planting Methods

Agarwood suitable for planting in the lowland areas to the mountains at an altitude of 0 – 750 meters above sea level with an average rainfall of less than 2000cm.  Appropriate temperature is between 27 ° C to 32 ° C with a rate of 70% sunlight. Suitability of land types soft and sandy clay soil with a pH between 4.0 to 6.0.
Quality seeds are essential for the purpose of seeding; seeding is usually done by the nursery to ensure the supply of crop seeds in a large volume and long lasting. Agarwood the fruits of Aquilaria Malaccencis the form of capsules, 3. 5 cm to 5 cm long, ovoid and dark brown. The skin is quite hard and contains one to two seeds per fruit.
Agarwood tree species are evergreen plants and growing. It is suitable for planting in most soils except swampy soil and stagnant water. Agarwood trees can be planted on flat land and hilly areas. It can also be planted in oil palm plantations, coffee plantations and farms in the other trees, aged between 5-8 years. Cultivation techniques in the interval system or integrated with two or more crops can be done .Technique Agro forestry approach, Inter-row planting and hedge planting also can be done.
Planting technique is to dig a hole in the distance measure 6 feet x 6 feet, 10 feet x 10 feet, 10 feet x 15 feet and so on. It depends on the techniques of crop interval, integration, or the like. Seedlings removed from the polythene bag and placed in a hole dug with an area of 0.5 meters in diameter and depth. Surface soil compacted by hand to ensure close contact with the ground roots and avoid the flow of water at the surface (surface water). Fertilizer application rates should not exceed 100 gm for every hole, namely the rate of fertilizer NPK 15:15:15 by 40-50 gm and TSP by 40-50 gm during the planting process.
Aquilaria trees planted must be cleaned from the interference of other trees about 50 cm to avoid the competition of life. Work-job is done in 2-3 times a year to five years old trees. Plugging two times a year is very good for giving oxygen into the ground to facilitate the absorption of food by plants.

lanting Village Residence
If that is the ability to grow only on a small scale, agarwood trees planted in the villages that do not involve the purchase of land and does not require a fence, that is, the area is already fenced. The cost just to buy the seeds and care for trees to work. Planted at least 100 trees.
If you can sell wholesale without inoculated at a price of RM 1,000 at the end of the 5-6 years can be obtained gross proceeds of RM 100,000. Or grown only to who will be able to next generation. When aged 5-6 years, nailed the trees injured by stick to stimulate the creation of resin. The farmers cannot afford to inoculate trees themselves because their cost is too expensive. They do not often depend on wood trees would become resin but may cut it down and sold some of Agarwood oil distiller which operates in the village as well.
Here also comes the aid of AGARWOODS KERALA in the form of very affordable inoculation methods in a very subsided rate and proven advises from the experts.

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